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With the right ticket system to higher productivity

Published: · Last updated: · 9 min reading time

Every company aims to reduce costs and increase profit or turnover. Factors such as employee motivation, the use of proper communication, and competencies that serve employee management are the be-all and end-all to run a company successfully.

In everyday business, however, there are often significant challenges in this area, so the mentioned factors are more or less neglected.

For this reason, more and more companies are using ticket systems that help them and make their work considerably more manageable.

Especially in the age of Industry 4.0, it is essential to develop new concepts to meet the current requirements in production. Modern ticket systems help significantly improve productivity in terms of service and enable an increase of up to 20 percent. This allows the potential of Industry 4.0 to be better utilized in the company.

The ticket system in the changing times of Industry 4.0

Often, the big challenge in manufacturing companies, such as the automotive industry, is that the life cycle of products is becoming shorter and shorter. Due to the rapid digital and technical change, companies are forced to bring new innovative products to the market within a short period. The big challenge here is to remain flexible and (significantly) increase productivity despite increasing demands and that new product ideas have to be implemented promptly. Production in many modern manufacturing companies is mainly automated, resulting in idle time for employees. Because of the high level of automation, they have to spend most of their time keeping an eye on the machines and waiting to see if a malfunction occurs. This creates a lot of waiting time for employees, which could be used more sensibly to bring productivity to a new level. For this to succeed, the organizational processes within production must be reviewed. Then, the show must be driven in the direction of service orientation. This is where Industry 4.0 comes into play. By networking the machines and using predictive maintenance, production gradually becomes the company’s top performer, which exploits its full potential thanks to the Industry 4.0 standard.

Industry 4.0 – These steps are necessary for the introduction of a ticket system in the production

It is necessary to ensure that employees are detached from time and place at the respective production sites to make production effective. An essential part of achieving this is to increase networking, efficiency, and transparency within production using the various tools from Industrie 4.0.

Step 1: Machine connectivity

The first step is to connect machines in production. Older machines must be retrofitted or replaced with new devices to ensure successful communication between the machines. EDGE CONNECT offers a connectivity solution that enables the connection of all appliances. Machine data form the basis for software to analyze and control them.

Step 2: Analysis and evaluation of the machine data

In the next step, the data from the machines must be analyzed and evaluated. This leads to a transparent flow of information. Production can now be monitored in real-time, and faults can be reacted to at any time or even prevented in advance. MES and applications evaluate the data in the process. In the event of deviations at the machines, it informs the operator of the respective machine to intervene. The software even provides the machine operator with suggestions on eliminating the current problem. Predictive maintenance also involves comparing existing machine data with current parameters to see which parts are following at risk of wear in advance. Wear parts can now be detected and replaced at an early stage, reducing machine downtime. Constant monitoring of machine conditions is thus a thing of the past.

Step 3: Introduction of a ticket system

The last step is to introduce a ticket system to make production highly effective. The introduction of the ticket system ensures the shift towards service-oriented production. This also affects communication and the work processes of the individual employees. The ticket system is integrated so that the individual employees in production receive corresponding messages from the system via a smartphone.

The advantage of the ticket system is that information retrieval is decentralized. If there are malfunctions in production or on the machines, the employees receive a message from the ticket system. The tasks stored in the ticket system are forwarded to the corresponding employee. The procedure takes into account the qualifications of the employees currently available. The employees themselves decide whether they want to process the ticket themselves, pass it on to a specialist, or even have it escalated. The ticket system also has the functionality of an internal knowledge database. Due to the history of the tickets and the successful solution of past problems, the employees can solve new problems promptly at any time.

Ticket systems offer the possibility for production staff to define directly or model rules themselves. External programming is therefore not necessary. Employees learn to use the system within a short time. Another advantage for the employees to define their own rules within the ticket system is that the knowledge can permanently improve the entire system.

Often, the changeover to Industrie 4.0-compliant production in conjunction with a ticket system requires in-depth change management. Change management guarantees a smooth transition from the previous (outdated) production process to the new standard.

Questions about the ticket system

FORCAM’s ticket system: Create tickets easily & track progress

FORCAM offers a ticket system that has been specially developed for the manufacturing sector. It meets the most diverse requirements within the shop floor organization in the best possible way and can significantly increase productivity. There is still a significant lack of transparency on the shop floor in many companies. Morning shop floor meetings and CIP routines are still not a course. So the question is often: who takes care of what and by when? Order is half the battle in production. With the FORCAM ticket system application, tasks can be distributed digitally with the help of the ticket system, measures can be initiated, and the respective process status can be called up at any time.

Practical example: Time and again, necessary tools are not available on time at a specific workstation—the result: delayed deliveries of the product. Equipped with the FORCAM ticket system, the worker enters his terminal.

  • what action is required
  • who has to take care of it
  • by when action should be taken and with what priority

It is also possible to distribute the action tickets by e-mail and include files or photos to demonstrate the situation. The status of each ticket (completed/open/working) can be tracked by all parties involved at any time.

In addition, the FORCAM ticket system can be used to map Health & Safety tasks or personnel-related issues electronically. In this way, health and safety issues can be visualized user-friendly.

Scope of functions

  1. Creation of tickets in the terminal
  2. Managing tickets in the office
  3. Edit ticket
  4. Edit actions
  5. Distribute tickets (e-mail, PDF)
  6. Visualize tasks and measures on the shop floor

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