Internet of Things stands for the increasing number of devices connected to the internet. These exchange data with each other and generate a massive amount of data. This is often described as Big Data and can be transformed into Smart Data through the right analyses.

Where can the IoT be classified? 

  • Web 1.0: At the beginning of the internet and the Web 1.0 era, only specific users could edit and read content. Most users were only able to consume the content.
  • Web 2.0: With Web 2.0, this changed and users could now both consume and create content. This development was driven by social media, wikis, and blogs, which created this new opportunity for users.
  • Web 3.0: This resulted in a flood of information, which made searching the internet more difficult. This increasing complexity could be solved by putting content in context and evaluating it.
  • Web 4.0: Web 4.0 is characterised by the communication of machines/devices with each other. The number of intelligent devices is increasing due to the lower costs of technology such as sensors. According to a forecast by Statista, 20 billion devices will be connected to the internet by the end of the year and generate gigantic amounts of data. This trend is described by the term Internet of Things (IoT).


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