Your NextGen Shop Floor Connectivity (Series 4 of 4)

Quick scalability and high performance

Find out more about how AC4DC can help you gain information from your heterogeneous machine park. By connecting your assets quickly and flexibly.

The challenges: 

  • Transparency of performance
  • Flexibility in manufacturing
  • Driving productivity, saving costs
  • Asset management
  • Cloud readiness
  • Cyber securitiy

With AC4DC, you can connect your store floor assets quickly and flexibly. You benefit from:

  • Configuration via cloud
  • Templates in a library
  • Smooth deployments
  • Semantic data model
  • Signal interpretation based on IEC standard

Would you like to find out more about AC4DC? Fill out the contact form, and you will receive the full document immediately by e-mail.

We have a new uniform web address!

Our group can now be reached at the new joint web address
The previous websites and have been redirected to the new website and can no longer be accessed separately.

We look forward to your continued interest!