Your NextGen Shop Floor Connectivity (Series 3 of 4)

Fast and flexible connectivity

Find out more about how AC4DC can help you gain information from your heterogeneous machine park. By connecting your assets quickly and flexibly.

The challenges: 

  • Gaining transparency
  • Connecting legacy systems
  • Standardization of data
  • Scaling a project beyond POC

With AC4DC, you can connect your store floor assets quickly and flexibly. You benefit from:

  • A user interface with reduced complexity
  • Fast value creation through templates
  • A central control center to be scalable right from the start
  • Simple installation and maintenance of the solution

Would you like to find out more about AC4DC? Fill out the contact form, and you will receive the full document immediately by e-mail.

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The previous websites and have been redirected to the new website and can no longer be accessed separately.

We look forward to your continued interest!