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ENISCO delivers new software for the world’s largest IKEA logistics center in Dortmund

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  • Böblingen-based IT specialist delivers new software generation for the era of Industry 4.0
  • The E-MES solution controls and visualizes the picking of goods for IKEA stores in Europe

Böblingen, February 2022 – Software specialist ENISCO has delivered new software for the IKEA logistics center in Dortmund. It supports the globally active Swedish furniture retailer in further accelerating the delivery times of IKEA products throughout Europe.

The IKEA distribution site in Dortmund-Ellinghausen is home to the group’s largest logistics center worldwide. In the halls on a 135-hectare site of the former coal dump of Hösch AG, around 2,000 employees take care of deliveries to IKEA stores in Europe and customer orders from all over Germany. Werner Gruber, Managing Director of ENISCO:

„We are pleased that we were able to complete the installation of a new generation of software for the Industry 4.0 era for IKEA in the shortest possible time. It proves that in addition to our core business – the automotive industry – we can also make a significant contribution to our customers’ success in the logistics sector“

Ordered goods are automatically assembled and transported onwards

In the logistics industry, speed is a decisive competitive factor. The new software from ENISCO supports companies in automatically assembling ordered goods faster, thus improving supply chain management.
At IKEA in Dortmund, the special software E-MES from ENISCO is used (MES = Manufacturing Execution System). This is a modular solution for logistics and manufacturing processes in various industries. The E-MES software controls and visualizes order picking in three high-bay warehouses. The goods ordered per order are automatically assembled and brought to the picking locations via an electric overhead conveyor system. The software displays all processes in an animated visualization along the electric overhead conveyor system.

We have a new uniform web address!

Our group can now be reached at the new joint web address
The previous websites and have been redirected to the new website and can no longer be accessed separately.

We look forward to your continued interest!